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Changing or Canceling Reservation

Can I get refund if cancelled the booking without charges?

In case of cancellation without charges, money will be reverted back to your account as per bank timing. Operation Team(Airlines & Hotels) will post a credit note of the booking amount after removing applicable charges if any sort . However cancellations always come in price as per concerned airlines or vendor.

How do I modify or cancel reservation?

You can modify or cancel reservation by opening the appropriate booking -  from the customer dashboard online and offline by calling our support team. In case of any trouble or assistance required, please feel free to contact Customer support team

Do I get charged if I cancel or modify reservation?

Cancellation or modification made after the reservation is vouchered will be charged according to the cancellation policy or fare rules. General

What do I do when I have a question about the reservations?

You can call or email us if you have any questions about the reservations. We will reply to your query as early as possible.

Why don’t I get a confirmation of reservation via email?

The email might have gone to your spam folder or wrongly entered email while  booking.


How do I know when the reservation is confirm?

The confirm booking email will be sent to your email address that you specified at the time of booking. SMS will also deliver at ur registered phone number mentioning the confirmations of booking. In case, if any of the email or sms confirmation is not receive in 10 minutes from the time of confirmation, please call Support team to assist you further.


What is pay now option?

You can make a booking by paying through credit/debit card, UPI, net banking, wallet, bank EMI & Pay later under pay now option.

Why is my credit card rejected?

Possibilities are: 1.) Number / expiration date is incorrect; 2.) Your issued bank blocks the card for internet usage for security reasons and 3.) Not enough credit or over usage of balance.4) Bank server issue.

Is my credit card secure through your site?

Yes, your credit card information is secure on our website. Upon check-out, your details are directly sent to the bank. All of your information will not be stored anywhere, not in the system and not in the bank servers. This will allow for maximum security.


Will the rate change if I already have the confirmation?

No. Once you receive the confirmation, the rate will not be changed.

If I already have a confirmation but later check and see the lower rate, can I get a refund?

No. Rates are dynamic and can change daily/hourly and as per the availability, therefore, once your reservation is confirmed, you will be committed with that rate and we will not be able to issue any refund.

Why has the rate changed since the last time I checked?

Rates are dynamic and can change daily/hourly and as per the availability

Is your rate inclusive of taxes and service charges?

All the rates displayed on our site are inclusive of applicable taxes and service charges other than the payment gateway charges.


I am having trouble booking online. What do I do?

Please contact us via the contact details on the site.

If I change a reservation, will I still get the same rate?

Rates and availability are subject to change, so it is possible that the rate will be different from your original reservatio